Elevator Controller

Here you will find five iterations of an elevator controller programmed to run on iPads. This project shows how an elevator negotiates calls from different floors. The UI of the controller has 48 buttons allowing access to 43 stories, a restaurant, a gym and functionality calls such as open/close doors, and help. All the buttons have user feedback, and the information panel displays the direction of the elevator, and the current floor. The design is responsive and has been programmed for regular iPad portrait/landscape, and iPad mini portrait modes. From a programming standpoint six cases have been explored:

Case 1. first request going up from a still position
Case 2. first request going down from a still position
Case 3. request from a higher floor, while the elevator is moving up
Case 4. request from a lower floor, while the elevator is moving down
Case 5. request from a lower floor, while the elevator is moving up
Case 6. request from a higher floor, while the elevator is moving down
Other: Requests for functionality such as: open/close doors, and help

Click here to see the final product.